Apotheke Decouverte

An Association of Eorzean Professionals

Crystal Datacenter, Mateus Server
Headquarters: Lavender Beds, 16th Ward, Plot 36

Professionals Wanted

Notice: The Apotheke Decouverte seeks skilled specialists and prudent professionals. We are beset by countless perils, challenges, and twists of fate. What better way to face them than alongside those most suited for each task required?
Practitioners and students of trades, warfare, and magic alike are sought alongside promise of reward commensurate to value and effort.

To meet the needs of the current Apotheke Decouverte we seek:
- Grand Company affiliates
- Combatants (archers, brawlers, fighters, offensive mages)
- Tribesmen experts
- Tradesfolk / Artisans, Business Owners and Merchants (non-Alchemy, thank you!)
- Members of Factions (Woodwailers, Confederates, Radiant Host members, etc.)

※ Not one of these? Fret not! As a Free Company we focus on
Heavy RP, featuring lore-honoring, character-driven dilemmas of a variety of sorts, both casual and meaningful interactions between members and friends, and bespoke plots centered around: intrigue, occult, and personal and martial struggles - among other things. There's plenty of room for a variety of characters in our company while maintaining story integrity between players.
※ Check our OOC page for more information on who we are and what we're about!Update!! (02/2023):
Apotheke now has a CWLS! Want to join our stories but can't join our FC? Don't let that deter you! Just let us know in your application.

Aspiring applicants are encouraged to submit their information

Places of Note



The clinic building is still, the gardens quiet save for the rustling of small curious beastkin...Standard Schedule:※ Thursday Evenings: Social or Preview/Follow up RP Sessions
※ Saturday Evenings: Primary Plot RP Sessions
※ Various Days and Times: Writ Quests - small-group , small-scope RP events that focus less on story and more on interpersonal development between characters. These are run by anyone within our circle, and can be scheduled at any time.
※ Various Days and Times: Other Events - spontaneous or prescheduled events of a variety of sorts, including pvp/pve, mount/minion/card/glam farms, content new or old, treasure map runs, etc
(Our event times are centered in US EST/CST, and typically start at 8pm EST - though we do have several members in PST, so we try to accommodate as best we can)


Aetherwatch Society <<AW-RP>>Supportive Alliance
Ronfaure Study Hall <<RF-RP>> — Beneficiary of Apotheke's charity
Grenada Cartel <<GC-RP>>???
The Lucky Rabbit - A charitable pub our members frequently crash

Persons of Interest

OOC Info

Who We Are: progressive, collaborative adults, who value mature but fun gameplay and discussions; LGBTQA+ & allies; a transparent and communicative leadership team

What We Do: we strive for lore-honoring, consensual, collaborative, inclusive storytelling; value careful and deliberate utilization of the "play to lift" technique; encourage and facilitate character struggles and growth. Additionally, we encourage our players to tell their own stories and DM their own FC events! Our leadership team is available and ready to help with any aspect, from planning to running. There is space for everyone's stories to be told here!We aim for a good mix of events and goings-on - various roleplay nights that range from casual, unscripted get-togethers to high-stakes combat or intense interpersonal confrontations; the occasional content night where we run maps, mount farms, new content, whatever people are into; and sometimes ooc gatherings, where we play other games, hang out in voice chat, or just mess around with screenshots. We also encourage and enjoy a variety of scenes between characters outside of "official" events, including 1 on 1s and small group rps.

We Welcome: adult (21+) roleplayers with an interest in exploring the growth of flawed characters via collaborative storylines. Active players who value transparency and open communication in order to facilitate trust, putting players before characters in order to promote deep and rewarding character arcs. Players who will take initiative, subscribe to "buying in," and actively participate when plots are presented to them are highly valued.

Interested In Joining?
Please turn your attention to this form.

Update!! (02/2023):
Apotheke now has a CWLS! Want to join our stories but can't join our FC ? Don't let that deter you! Just let us know in your application.

The Abandoned Clinic

Tucked away in Old Gridania on the fringes of the Black Shroud's centre lies a vast mansion. Deserted, but not empty, its innards are host to many a mystery. Framboise has purchased the mansion as it fell into foreclosure under the Adders' jurisdiction, but they are tight-lipped about any information pertaining to the previous owner or any of its occupants.

The recently exhumed basement, its entrance hidden behind a hastily erected plaster wall, yielded a scarce handful of clues as to who had passed through that clinic and what business they had. Patients and practitioners there were, though they seemed to be practitioners of miracles for what maladies were said to be handled there in stray documents. Amongst the other findings were strange arcane symbols and enciphered ledgers.Eventually plucked from the partially broken cipher were a handful of names and dates, but that, along with the sudden appearance of someone related to a patient that had come and gone, was enough to track further leads Eastward. And to the very limits of 'Eastward' they would go, alighting upon the distant shores of Hingashi and the port town of Kugane in search of a certain Dotharl. Picking up the trail of an associate of the clinic attempting to go into hiding—where they had previously sought a former patient—a deal was struck with a local cartel branch in order to change tacks to this potentially more profitable lead: information on the location of this runaway's safe-house in exchange for performing a 'small' favor in the northern reaches of Thanalan. The ledgers had told a grim story when they were successfully read—of what could be interpreted as expiration dates for expired patients. A found letter had detailed promised revenge by the Dotharl kin of a pair of patients to the clinic—one living and one dead—and it was from them that the man they then sought apparently hid.Ironically, it was back west, and tucked away in the warm sands of Byregot's Strike that they would need to go to pursue their quarry in a game of cat and mouse that had spanned most of the known world. In those far reaches of the Sagolii lay that furtive runaway that may hold more answers than the sum total they had grasped so far. But first that business in the hazy ceruleum fields of the Sea of Spires had to be dealt with...The task had seemed simple enough, but that should only have served to make them all the more suspicious, shouldn't it have? Concocting tales of crotch-rot and contact tracing, the party was in the midst of trying to sneak into the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern Ceruleum Processing Plant when they felt a strange pair of eyes upon them and say movement in the parapets. Imagine their surprise when they found the very runaway they sought (distant indeed from his supposed safehouse) trying to partake in the very same mission as they, employer and all! Was it some twisted joke by Pomelo and Co.? A favor? Who could say? Though the truth was that one of those was infinitely more likely. Regardless, some ropework and the services of a shadowy interrogator got them some of the answers they needed from the former contractee of the former manor residents.With the organization's sinister nomen in hand and some information on exactly what type of treatments were being performed in the bowels of the clinic, the party returned to examine the results of their parallel investigation into the arcane symbols etched onto the walls. Similar runes were found amongst the patient notes, repeated across each case. The clever idea to sample the material used in the various symbols yielded a composition of limestone, granite, and electrum upon the wall; the runes upon the pages however, lacked the electrum but held the traces of masonry in the ink. A connection was made, but for what purpose had the etched runes on the walls and the ones (determined to have been 'used' by the absence of the conductive electrum) on the patient notes been linked? Some less-than-safe testing determined that they served as a siphon for aetheric energy, the wall capable of holding and then redirecting a substantial amount of this drained aether. Suddenly the treatments described by their prisoner—the excision of corrupted aether to restore health and purity—began to make more sense. Doubtless the true purposes and effects were far more sinister than such a pleasant window-dressing as a group of skilled doctors healing the ill and disabled.A concurrent incident at the Spirithold in Southern Greentear proved to hold the key to answering where all the aether absorbed in the manor's basement had ended up. With its source cut off, the appearance of what could only be land drained of its aether around the vicinity had begun to catch some minor attention. A few pulled strings had the party pass the cursory watch of the bored Wood Wailers stationed outside and descend into the former prison abandoned, reopened, and abandoned once more. It was there that they came face-to-face with a fearsome beast hidden away deep within the walls of one of the cells. Ill-prepared to tangle with the powerful voidsent beast that had supped for countless months on the aether of many, even with a skilled contingent of fighters and spellcasters, the party retreated before the losses grew too severe. It is there in the depths of its terrible den that the voidbeast still waits, the area quarantined by Gridanian authorities—more tightly than it previously was against the relatively weak imps that already were drawn to the place. Still, questions remained: for what purpose was this being from the void being harbored and fed, where had the former residents of the clinic ended up, and were they still keeping an eye on affairs?To be cont...

This manor-cum-medical-clinic recently obtained from The Adders' foreclosed holdings has seen copious renovation under the direction and at the expense of one Framboise Zakuro. The idyllic location overlooking falls that eventually feed into The Mirror is prime real estate, both for the natural beauty of waterfront property and the calming rush of flowing water to delight the ear. Curiously, the previous owner left the manor nearly fully furnished, and thus the location has seen more additions, repurposing, and refurbishing than ground-up redesigns.

The communal kitchen and banquet room have been combined, creating a more intimate dining space. Westbound light of the morning sun filters through flourishing rose trellises, making for a truly halcyon breakfast. The pantry is kept well-stocked with non-perishables, as well as wooden flatware carved by local artisans. Curiously, a gargantuan specimen of a fish adorns one of the walls. It is said to be the largest carp ever pulled out of Fallgourd lake, but asking the taxidermist responsible for the mount will reveal that only the skin, teeth, head, and fins are genuine.

The eponymous baths of the bathhouse feature two separate tubs utilizing as a source that river valley the manor overlooks. The babbling of those distant falls can be heard—even seen by way of the sliding doors lining the walls, transforming the space into an open air bath if one desires. Viewing the stars in their multitudes overhead by night while lounging is a heavenly experience indeed. The fragrant waters of the baths are often infused with the brisk fragrance of juniper berries, and can be either chilled by pumping in directly the naturally cool waters of the river, or warmed by first running the source through the heated plumbing.

The sorry state of the yard as it had been 'acceptably' maintained by Adder bureaucrats has been improved considerably. The rehabilitation included not only the pruning of unsightly weeds and overgrown ivy, but also the addition of gardening plots both visually pleasing and functional. Supplements to the manor's pantry are grown seasonally upon the grounds in allotments blessed with fertile Gridanian soil. The addition of a firepit, as well as outdoor kitchen and other accoutrements has transformed the yard into a space for relaxation and recreation alike.

A contract negotiated with the Ul'dahn based Ashcrown Consortium sees the manor supplied with a small, regular shipment of fire crystals. These are put to use in the sauna room, an element of the bathhouse added to the manor as part of recent renovations. After a shower, one might enjoy time in the sauna room where piped-in water may be tossed upon the fire-crystal based stove element, which would otherwise emit a pleasant dry heat, to produce a more intense humid heat from steam. It must certainly be a balm to the soul to relax amongst the scent of pine, cypress, and hanging herbs and to sweat out all of one's impurities.